Birthday: AUGUST 15, 2019 Sponsorship #: 2023-00-041HC

CHAINA is a petit three year old in the BGM Preschool K1 class. She lives with her mother and father and two brothers and two sisters in Galette Chambon. Her parents are vendors in the local market, but the economy has tanked in the last few years, so it has become nearly impossible for them to put food on the table much less send their children to school. The principal allowed them to put their little Chaina in the preschool program for one year hoping that she would get a sponsor before the next school year began in September. If she finds a sponsor by September, she can continue school. However, if she does not, she will have to wait and not go to school next year. Chaina loves to play with her friends, learn in school, and go to church. Her favorite thing to do at school is learning to write. When she grows up, she thinks she might want to become a nurse.