Birthday: MAY 9, 2012 Sponsorship #: 2023-00-037HC

Abicaelle is a creative and smart eleven year old from the village of Galette Chambon in a small area called “Gwovo”. She lives with her mother and four brothers. Her mother is a share cropper on a farm that grows corn, millet, and sugar cane. She doesn’t make much money even when times are good for farmers, however, with the recent difficulties in the country, crop production has slowed and that means income has reduced too. This makes it so very hard for her mother to put food on the table as well as pay tuition for school. It is extremely important to Abicaelle and her mom that all of the children go to school because that opens doors in the future to be able to have a sustainable income. Abicaelle wants to go to a professional school one day to learn Cosmetology. Abicaelle enjoys playing with her friends, working with her mom around the house, and going to church. She is thankful for the opportunity to be in the BGM Sponsorship program.