Birthday: September 1, 2005 Sponsorship #: 2022-00-003S

Cheldrine is a friendly thirteen year old who goes to Maranatha school. She lives with her parents and two sisters in the village of Galette Chambon. Her parents are farmers who work in a local garden as share croppers. They don’t make much money, but they have worked very hard to keep their daughter Cheldrine in school. They have had a very difficult two years, however, as both of them have suffered from sickness. This year, they were able to pay her first installment of tuition, but they are not going to be able to continue to pay for her school. They desperately want her to find a sponsor so that she can continue. Cheldrine enjoys doing house work for her mother, studying her lessons, and hanging out with her friends. When she grows up, she wants to study Cosmetology and become a hair and nail stylist.