Birthday: June 8, 2003 Sponsorship #: 2021-00-026M

Frandy is an 18 year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with his uncle, eight brothers, and five sisters. In his large family, the uncle cannot provide for this many people, so it is pretty much a “fend for yourself” situation. Frandy loves school, and he is so very smart, but he has not always been able to go consistently. After his parents left, he could not afford to go to school, so he missed several years. He desperately wanted to get back into school, so he started doing odd jobs around the village to raise enough money to pay his tuition each year. Sometimes he could pay, and sometimes he could not, so he would miss more school. He desperately wants a sponsor so that he can finish school without the fear of not being able to pay for it on his own. His favorite subject is Biology, and when he grows up, he wants to become an Engineer.