Birthday: January 15, 2008 Sponsorship #: 2021-00-007M

Misterlande is a thirteen year old girl from Galette Chambon who lives with a local pastor and his wife. They took Misterlande and her brother in last year when their parents died. Her father was a mechanic and her mother was a vendor, but when both died suddenly of COVID last July, it shocked the whole community. Their pastor and his wife took them in, but they are now in need of help to provide for them. They do not want Misterlande to have to stop going to school after she has made it so far in school already. They are so proud of how hard she works in school. She is so smart! But the pastor and his wife just cannot afford to pay for her to go. She really needs a sponsor to help them. Misterlande enjoys hanging out with friends, studying, eating, sleeping well, and going to church. Her favorite subject in school is Experimental Science. When she grows up she says she wants to become “a great nurse.”