Birthday: June 12, 2008 Sponsorship #: 2021-00-014S

Weedarline is a thirteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with her mother and two brothers. Her father left the family after the birth of her youngest brother and they have not seen him since. Her mother does not have any source of income to provide for the family. Life is very difficult for the family and they would be in extreme difficulty if it were not for her grandparents. They don’t make much either, but at least they can help their daughter feed her family. If it were not for the generosity of the principal, Weedarline would not be in school at all. He has allowed her to attend school for a short time while seeking to find a sponsor. If she doesn’t find a sponsor soon, she will not be able to continue with school. Weedarline is very smart, and her favorite things to do are study and do her homework. When she grows up, she would like to become a doctor.