Birthday: June 31, 2006 Sponsorship #: 2021-00-026HC

Woodjerry is a 5th grader at BGM Primary School. He lives with his grandmother along with one sister and seven brothers in the village of Plasman near Galette Chambon. His mother died two years ago and his father moved to the DR to try to find work. He sends money home to provide for the family as often as he can, but with eight children in the family, it is hard to make ends meet. They are thankful that BGM allows the children to all go to school while waiting to find sponsors. This gives them an opportunity to eat when there is no food for the family at home. Woodjerry’s favorite subject in school is mathematics. He also enjoys doing homework and studying, going to church with his siblings and grandmother, and playing soccer. When he grows up, he would like to become a construction engineer who builds large office buildings in the city.