Birthday: April 12, 2009        Sponsorship #: 2020-00-030HC

Djeena (prounounced “Gina”) is in 4th grade at our BGM Primary School. She lives with her aunt and five cousins in the village above Hope Center. She came to live with her aunt last summer because her mother became very sick and had to go to the hospital. Two months later, her mother died, and her aunt agreed to keep her permanently. It is very hard for her aunt to feed all of the children in the family, so Djeena is very happy that she can go to school and get a hot meal there. When Djeena’s mother died, she was very, very sad, but she is thankful that she has family to live with and extra thankful that someone is helping her continue school. She was so afraid that she would not be able to go to school. Now she doesn’t have to worry about it. When she’s not in school, Djeena enjoys helping around the house and playing with friends. When she grows up, she wants to become a teacher.