Birthday January 1, 2001 Sponsorship #: 2019-00-069M

Misena is a bright and lively eighteen year old who lives in the village of TI Source near the village of Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, father, two sisters and three brothers. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a vendor in the market at TI Source. Her parents do make a little money when the weather cooperates with planting seasons, but her father has been sick a lot this year and has not been able to work as much as he used to. Misena loves school, but paying for her to go to high school puts a strain on the family budget. Two of her younger siblings are sponsored and that helps the family out a good bit, but the thing Misena would love most about having a sponsor, besides helping her pay for her school and therefore taking a lot of pressure off of her parents, but just knowing that she has someone in the United States that is praying for her. Her little brother’s sponsor sent him a picture of her family and her whole family prays for the family by name every day. Misena wants to have someone that she can pray with and pray for like her brother has. It’s just special to know you have someone far, far away who loves you. Misena loves to study and her favorite subject to study is languages – specifically French and English. When she grows up, she wants to become a social worker.
