Birthday: March 12, 2004 Sponsorship #: 2018-00-136JHC

Gael is a bright and courteous fourteen year old who comes from a very large family that lives in dire circumstances. He lives with his mother 4 sisters and 3 brothers and they have no source of family income. Also living with them in their family compound is a grandmother, two aunts, and six cousins. All of them struggle to survive. Gael’s mother and aunts try to make a little money by cooking and selling things at market, but it’s not a steady income and they often don’t have money to buy supplies. All of the children are sponsored except Gael. This is good because they at least get a hot meal at school each day. By Monday each week, they are extremely hungry. They all love school though, and they work hard to pass so that they can have a brighter future. Gael loves to play soccer with his friends and study his lessons. He often works in a local garden too so that he can help provide food for the family. When he grows up, he wants to become an engineer.