Birthday: October 5, 2009 Sponsorship #: 2018-00-134HCM

Lionel is a friendly little ten year old from the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his mother, four sisters, and brother. When he was two years old, his father died and his mother ended up moving in with a voodoo priest to help take care of her children. His mother, however, recently became a new Christian and moved her children out of the home of the voodoo priest and God blessed her decision by providing her with a new house! She now has a new home and a new life with her children right next door to her best friend. His mother does not have a source of income, so it is difficult for her to make ends meet. She relies on friends and family to help her support her children. She is praying that one day she can find a way to work to support her children without the help of others. Lionel doesn’t let this difficult life get him down.  He loves to play with his siblings and friends, study, eat well, and go to church. His favorite subject to study is mathematics, when he is able to go to school, that is. Right now, he is the lucky one to be able to go to school while his siblings sit out. He doesn’t want to get behind in school. He knows that when his little sister gets old enough, if he doesn’t have a sponsor, he will have to sit out so she can have a chance because their mother can’t afford to send any more than one child at a time to school. Lionel wants all of his siblings to be able to go to school without worrying if they will be able to continue the next year. He is not sure what he wants to be when he grows up, but right now, he is leaning towards doctor.