Makendy is a gentle eight year old that is super excited that he is finally able to go to school. His father saved up enough money this year to pay for his registration and his materials fee so he could start school, but he did not have the money to pay tuition. They let him go ahead and start school, but if he doesn’t pay the first installment of tuition by the end of December, he will not be able to continue. Makendy lives with his three brothers, father, step mother, and two step siblings in a small dirt house in the village of Galette Chambon. His father works in the garden and raises pigs and goats to sell at market. A few months ago, we were walking through the village and stopped by to visit Makendy’s family. His step mother was cooking dinner for them. She was literally boiling leaves for them to eat for dinner because they had no food in the house to cook. The family is in desperate need. It is not possible for them to pay for school, but it is vital that they go to school to get an education. Makendy says he does not have a favorite subject at school; he just loves to learn. He wants to learn EVERYTHING. When he grows up, he wants to drive a motorcycle and work as a tap tap driver.
Gender: Male
Grade: 3
Age: 9
Height: 51″
Foot L.: 8.5″
Clothes size: M( 7/8)
Shoe size: 3
( JPD )
School Picture 2018-2019
Foot length:8″
Shoe size:4
Clothes size:7