Birthday: January 4, 2007 Sponsorship #: 2018-00-009S

Brenon is a loving twelve year old who lives with his father and one brother. His father is a mason in the village of Dal Grow. When his father is able to find work, the family does okay, but when he doesn’t have a house to work on, the family struggles. They spent all of their savings last year on medical care for his mother last year before she died. It made Brenon very sad when they lost their mother, but he works hard to help his father any way he can around the house and by taking care of his little brother. In his free time, Brenon loves to play hide and seek with his friends. His favorite subject in school is Experimental Sciences. He would love to have a sponsor so that he could have a uniform and books and so he can have an American to pray for every day knowing that American is praying for him. When he grows up, he would like to become a professor in a school to help young people learn. His favorite thing about Haiti is school because going to school makes his country smarter.