Birthday: September 12, 2010 Sponsorship #: 2017-00-151S

Bejaline is a quiet little seven year old who just started the first grade this year. She lives with her parents, five sisters, and three brothers. Her parents work hard to support their large family of eleven by working in a garden as share croppers and making and selling charcoal. Although they manage to make enough to feed the family, it’s not enough to send all of the children to school. A few months ago, Bejaline’s brother found a sponsor when a team member saw him at school and decided to sponsor him. That gave Bejaline hope that she might be able to find a sponsor too. So she and her older sister, Genise gathered their courage to go ask Director Salomon if they could go to school now and try to find sponsors. Bejaline is so excited about learning to read in school. She loves to work around the house and help her mother clean and cook. When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, she says that she wants to be a teacher and she wants to make creative things for her students. Her favorite things about Haiti are the flowers, mountains, and animals.