Birthday: July 31, 2010
Sponsorship #: 2017-00-002JHC


Anise is a sweet little fourteen year old from the village of Gwo Balanse near Galette Chambon. (The photo above is from when she was first sponsored in 2017) She has 4 brothers and two sisters. She lives with her parents and grandmother. Her mother doesn’t have a job and her father works as a farmer.  Three of her brothers are sponsored already and one of her sisters is sponsored. Anise really hopes she can get a sponsor because she wants to have her own uniform. Every year, she has to wear her sister’s hand me down uniform and Anise says it’s always torn and worn out when she gets it because they only get one uniform a year. Anise is happy that she can go to school, but her parents could only afford tuition and not a uniform or books. Anise has to use her siblings’ old books too and they are also worn. Anise loves school and she loves to sing.She loves to sing solos in church. She hopes that she and her sister Mislene can become a professional singers one day, but first she knows they must finish school. That will only happen if she has a sponsor.