
Birthday: October 12, 2006 Sponsorship #: 2017-00-085S

Viviana is a beautiful ten year old with great ideas about her future. She lives with her aunt and cousins in Galette Chambon because her mother could not afford to send her to school. Her mother lives in another village far away, but she wanted Viviana to be able to go to school, so she sent her to Galette Chambon to live with her aunt. Vivana has two brothers and two sisters who live at home with their mother. She is eager to get a sponsorship so that she can get back to her studies and finish school one day to become a gardener and chef. She wants to grow her own garden and own a restaurant that cooks only fresh foods grown in her garden. She had no idea that this “garden to table dining” was currently a big trend in America! She loves to study languages and she would one day love to be able to go to France to culinary school. She doesn’t know for sure, but she thinks her favorite subjects will be social studies and geography because she is curious about other cultures. Her favorite time of day is when all of her friends are out of school and they can meet at the playground and swing on the swings together. She is praying that one of these days she will be walking home from school WITH her friends to the playground. She is thankful for the opportunity to be in the sponsorship program.
