Jeff is a lively seventeen year old young man who lives in Vilaj Espoir (Hope Center Village) in Galette Chambon with his seven sisters and four brothers and their mother. Their father is deceased. Sometimes their mother is able to find work by cooking for work crews and patients around Hope Center but she barely makes enough money to feed the family. Jeff has not been able to go to school for the last three years because his mother could not afford to pay for it, so he tried to find odd jobs to help. Even though he has not been able to go to school, he has borrowed books from friends and studied biology as much as he can. He loves to study biology and wants to be a doctor one day. He also loves to make people smile. Jeff loves living at Hope Center Village because it is a “cool place to live.” He likes that he can visit with Americans who come to minister to the people in his village. He wants to learn to speak English so he can visit with them better. What he loves most about his country of Haiti is the rich history of how his country gained its independence. His people are a strong people with a fascinating history and he likes that. It inspires him to do something with his life and that will start with a good education.
GRADE FOR 2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR – PHILO (final grade in Haiti, college prep)
Grade: 12
Gender: male
Age: 20
Height: 69″
Chest: 33″
Waist: 28″
Foot length: 10″
Clothes size: 20
Shoe size: 9,5
( JPD )
2018-2019 School Pictures attached
Age: 19
Height: 67″
Chest: 34″
Waist: 30″
Hips: 36″
P. Ins: 28
Foot length: 9 1/2″
Shoe size: 43
Clothes size:18/20
Attachment Jeff-Alusme-2016-00-208M-2017.pdf