Christopher Gênu is a seventeen year old with a big heart who lives with his mother and seven younger brothers in Vilaj Espoir which is Hope Village in Galette Chambon. His mother works in a nail salon in Port au Prince and his father (who doesn’t live with them) works in construction in Port au Prince. After the earthquake, Christopher and his family lost everything. They lived in the tent city until BGM offered them a house to live in at Hope Center. However, it has been hard for them because his mother couldn’t find work in Galette Chambon. She continued to work in PAP so the boys could continue going to the same school, however, it costs everything his mother can earn to send all of her children to school. Christopher decided he would sacrifice by going to a school closer to home that wasn’t so expensive. His younger brothers still go to school in the city. Christopher would love to have a sponsor so that more pressure can be taken off of his mother to pay for his school. He loves to play soccer and tell jokes because it makes people laugh. He hopes to be on the BGM Boys Soccer Team this year if he is able to go to school. His favorite subject is Biology, and when he is finished with high school, he wants to go on to college and study diplomacy. His greatest desire is to find a way to help his mother. He respects her very much for being the primary caretaker of eight boys. His father helps some, but he doesn’t always have work in order to help. Christopher looks forward to the day when he can pay for his siblings’ school himself because he will one day have a good education and a good job.