
Birthday: October 22, 2010 Sponsorship # 2016-00-062JHC

Gioma  is six years old and he lives with his mother and father and his six brothers and one sister in Bonet which is a town near Galette Chambon. He attends the church at Hope Center every Sunday with his father and brothers and sister. His parents do not have jobs, therefore they do small jobs and sell things from their garden whenever they can to buy food for their family. However, they do not make enough to send Gioma and his siblings to school. When asked if they could make it to school every day from Bonet, his father said that he would walk his boys to school every day personally if they can come to school. Gioma is very excited about the possibility of being able to go to school. He wants to be a brick mason when he grows and build houses for people in the village. The first house he will build he says is for his parents.