Malia Dessources is three, almost four years old, and she lives in Ti Source. We discovered her and heard about her situation when we did a mobile clinic at a church in that village. Malia lives with her paternal aunt and her six cousins. There are seven children in the household counting her. Her mother died two years ago from cholera and her father is not around. It’s really hard on a child when he or she feels like the outsider in the house. Without a mother or father to provide for her, she probably has no chance of going to school…until now. Professor Salomon has agreed to go ahead and let her start coming to school until she can get a sponsor. Malia is not sure what she wants to be when she grows up, but she loves to pretend like she is cooking in the dirt, so maybe she will one day be a cook! One thing is for sure, she is very excited about being able to go to school.