
Birthday: August 3, 2009
Sponsor #:

Lykendy is ten years old and lives in Galette Chambon with his mother, brother, and two sisters. Lykendy used to be in our sponsorship program before his father died and his mother had to move her children to an area called Boucandrice to live with family there. The house they had been living in belonged to her husband, so after he died, his family took the house from them and sent them away. Lykendy and his siblings were very sad to have to move, but their mother had no choice. She had to find a way to get back on her feet and figure out where she would go. Now Doudline’s mother has moved back to the area of Galette Chambon called Cargo but they live in a little tiny, mud house with a dirt floor and only one room. They built the house themselves when they found a family that was willing to let them live on their property. Lykendy would now like to return to school, but his mother cannot afford to pay for it. Lykendy needs a sponsor again if he is going to go to school. This is a family in serious, serious need.