Lovens M.

Lovens is nineteen years old and considers himself the man of the family. His daddy died in 2006 from cholera and Lovens has had to take care of his family ever since. He was only 12 at the time when he became the head of the house. Lovens lives in Galette Chambon...

Josley O.

Josley Ostrander is 17 years old and lives in Galette Chambon with his grandparents and his mother. His grandfather is a farmer and his mother is a vendor. His grandmother stays home with the children. Josley has 3 sisters and 2 brothers. He loves to play soccer with...

Roodline M.

Roodline Merilus is a shy 12 year old. Sadly, she has no idea when her birthday is but she would like to know. She says she’s a year older each year when school starts, so we are going to give her a birthday of September 15th. Roodline lives with mother and father in...

Sandy L.

 Sandy L is 13 years old and his birthday is February 13th. He lives with his mother in Galette Chambon and his father is no longer living. His mother doesn’t work right now because she has two younger sisters who are not old to go to school. Sandy wants to be a...

Schnieder G.

Schnieder is 16 years old and his birthday is May 8th. He lives with his mother and father and 4 cousins. He also has 2 brothers and 3 sisters. His mother sells rice, and their family raises and sells pigs at the market. Schnieder wants to be a professor one day...

Ronaldo D.

Ronaldo Demezier is 15 years old and his birthday is June 10th. He lives in Galette Chambon with his sister who is 18 years old while his parents live in Petionville and run a business. He has 3 brothers and 2 sisters but they live with his parents. Last year, he...