Stanley M.

Stanley Merilus is a 14 year old boy in the 7th grade. He lives in Boucandrice with his parents and three sisters. He loves to play soccer with his friends and score a lot of goals. His parents both work as farmers, making it difficult to have a steady income. Haiti’s...

Clerby P.

Clerby Polynice is an eleven year old boy in the 7th grade. He lives in Galette Chambon with his parents, brother, and sister. He loves to play soccer in his free time with his siblings and friends. Both of his parents work as vendors and try to sell as much as they...

Samantha P.

  Samantha Pierre is a 14 year old girl who is in the 7th grade. She lives in Galette Chambon with her mother, two brothers, and three sisters. Sadly, Samantha’s father passed away recently from an illness. With this tragic event, her mother is left to provide for her...

Landie J.

Landie is a precious 12 year old girl who is bright and has big goals of one day becoming a nurse. She has two brothers and three sisters and lives in the village of Boucandrice. Her parents are farmers and help work a large crop of corn and millet. She loves to play...

Dikenn A.

Dikenn is a fifteen year old from Galette Chambon who has five brothers and three sisters. His father is a farmer in the village and his mother does not work other than taking care of their large family. Dikenn is very excited about entering the 7th grade at Moliere’s...

Christiannie P.

Christiannie Phillippe is a 13 year old girl that lives in the village of Boucandrice with her parents, two brothers and two sisters. She loves to look at the flowers and the nature of Haiti in her free time. Her mom and dad are both vendors. This kind of work does...