Fenel Mondelus

Birthday June 12, 2003 Sponsor# 2017-01-004BP Fenel lives in the village of Bwa Polyte which is over an hour’s walk to the school but he is very excited about the possibility of attending school in Thoman. Fenel lives with his mother and father who are farmers...

Bebisson L.

Bebisson is a bright thirteen year old young man from a little village called Kalbache near Galette Chambon. He lives with his mother and four sisters. The whole family works in the field, helping farm a large garden. Bebisson says that he loves to study, even though...

Franky S.

Franky is a fifteen year old from a little village called Soufo near Galette Chambon. He is a gifted helper. Whenever there is a need of some sort at school, Franky is the first to volunteer to get it done. He doesn’t mind hard work and he loves to minister to people....

Schnaydine V.

Schnaydine is a fifteen year old from the village of Michel near Galette Chambon. She lives with her parents and two sisters and two brothers. Her parents are unemployed. Schnaydine dreams of finishing school so that she can become a nurse. No one in her family has...

Richemond P.

Ricemond is a happy, fun-loving, hard working 17 year old from Galette Chambon who is excited to be going to the BGM high school. He comes from a large family where everyone works hard in the fields as share croppers. He has three sisters and two brothers, and all of...

Anilia P.

Anilia is a seventeen year old young lady from the village of TiSource near Galette Chambon. She and her six siblings live with their mother. Her older brother is Esaie and they both are going to Moliere’s school while waiting to get sponsors. If they do not find...