Domistil Paulme

Domistil has 2 brothers and 2 sisters, his Mother and Father are farmers.  His favorite color is pink and his favorite subject in school is writing.  He likes to make things and wants to become a driver when he grows up.    

Eneckson Jules

Eneckson is in the 3rd grade of kindergarten and his favorite subject in school is reading. He loves to sing and his favorite color is blue. Eneckson ‘ s parents are farmers and he has 3 brothers and 2 sisters.

Chamika Catel

Chamika is in 2nd grade and her favorite class is reading.  She loves swinging on the school playground and her favorite color is pink.  Chamika’s parents are farmers and she has 3 brothers and 2 sisters.  She would like to be a teacher someday

Frantzky Meristal

Frantzky  is in the 3rd grade and his favorite subjects are reading and math. He has three sisters ages 13, 5 and 2.  Frantzky’s father works on construction and is a farmer and his mother is a street vendor for various products. Frantzky would like to be a...

Millioman Guerrier

Millioman is in the first grade and his favorite class is History. He would like to be a teacher when he grows up. His favorite color is black. Millioman lives with his Mother and has 3 brothers and 1 sister.