Jovenson Joseph

 Jovenson is in the 1st grade of kindergarten.  He has 1 sister. His Father is motorcycle taxi driver & farmer and his Mother sells groceries at the local market. Favorite activity: playing soccer Favorite subject: drawing Favorite colors: blue &...

Jean Weedson Savalin

Jean is in the 7th grade and has 2 brothers:9,5 and 3 sisters:12,3,1.  His Father is a farmer and his Mother is selling vegetables at the market. His Favorite activity is playing soccer and his favorite subject in school is English.  His favorite color is blue and he...

Ledi Youvensley Jules

Ledi is in the second grade of kindergarten.  He has 1 brother:8 and 2 sisters:7,1. His Father is not working and his Mother is sells at the local market.  He likes to play soccer and draw, his favorite color is blue.