Wislande Sainnorant

.  Wislande lives in Mathias and will attend the new school in Mathias beginning in September. Her father and mother are both farmers. Wislande has 1 brother and 2 sisters. Her favorite activity is jumping and her favorite color is blue.

Davenson M

Davenson is in the 1st grade..  His Father is a farmer and his Mother is a housekeeper.   He has 1 brother and 3 sisters.  He loves to study and grammer and his favorite color is red.

David Paul

David is in the 1st grade of kindergarten.  His father sells products at the local market and his mother doesn’t have work.  He has 1 brother aged 7 and 2 sisters ages 17 and 15.  He loves to play soccer and draw and his favorite color is blue.

Bilovena B

Bilovena is in the Second grade of school.  She lost her father in a car accident and her mother is vendor at the market.  She has 1 brother and 1 sister.  She grows up she wants to be a teacher.  Her favorite color is pink and her favorite subject in school is...