Marie-Ange Estinnor

Mari-Ange lives in the village of Dybwa and will attend the new school in Mathias beginning in September.  She has 2 brothers and 1 sister. Her parents are both farmers. Marie-Ange likes playing with dogs and her favorite color is

Junior Estinnor

Junior lives in Mathias and will attend the new school in Mathias beginning in September. He has 3 brothers and 3 sisters.  Junior’s father passed away and his mother is a farmer. He loves playing soccer and his favorite color is red. .

Kendy Fleran

Kendy lives in the village of Bwa Polyte and will attend the new school in Mathias beginning in September.  Has 2 brothers and 1 sister. His father is a farmer and his mother is a street vendor.  Kendy likes playing soccer and his favorite color is blue.

Ricardo Paul

Ricardo lives in the village of Bwa Polyte.  He has 3 brothers and 7 sisters. His parents are both farmers.  Ricardo’s favorite activity is reading  and his favorite color is blue.  He enjoys Math and wants to be a doctor when he grows up.

Misky Senatus

Misky lives in the village of Dybwa and will attend the new school in Mathias beginning in September.  He has 3 sisters, and his parents are both farmers.  Misky loves playing soccer and his favorite color is blue.  He would like to be a musician when he grows...

Neymar O

.  Neymar lives in the village of Dybwa and is the 1st grade.  He has 1 brother and 3 sisters.  His parents are both farmers. Neymar loves doing homework and his favorite color is yellow and favorite subject is Math.