Wildjina Derisca

Wildjina lives in the village of Bwa Polyte and will attend the new school in Mathias beginning in September.  She has 1 sister.  Her father is a farmer and her mother is a street vendor.  Wildjina’s favorite activity is to play like she is working.  Her...

Naphca Jean

Naphca lives in the village of Bwa Polyte and will attend the new school in Mathias beginning in September.  She has 3 sisters.  Her father is a farmer and her mother is a street vendor.  Naphca loves jumping and her favorite color is pink.

Lovena Serilus

Lovena lives in the village of Bwa Polyte and is attending the new school in Mathias.   She has 1 brother and 5 sisters.  Her father is a farmer and her mother passed away in January 2016. Lovena’s favorite activity is telling stories at night and her favorite...

Dioly Estinvil

Dioly lives in the village of Dybwa and will attend the new school in Mathias beginning in September.  He has 1 brother and 2 sisters.  His father is a farmer and his mother is a street vendor.  Dioly likes to play soccer and his favorite color is pink.

Jacqueline Brunot

Jacqueline lives in the village of Dybwa and will attend the new school in Mathias beginning in September. She has 4 brothers and 5 sisters.  Her father is a farmer but is unable to work at this time due to some surgery he has had (he asks for prayer that he can take...

Elmitha Plaisir

 Elmitha lives in the village of Dybwa and will attend the new school in Mathias beginning in September.  She has a brother age 2. Her father is a farmer (her father is ill and is losing weight) and her mother is a street vendor.  Her favorite activity is playing...