Chamenka A.

  Chamenka is in 2nd grade of kindergarten and her favorite subject is drawing.  She lives with her father who drives a motorcycle taxi, and has a brother age one and a sister age one.  Chamenka’s mother has passed away.  She lives playing with dolls and...

Wood Kelly P.

Wood Kelly is in the 2nd grade of kindergarten and his favorite subject is reading.  He lives with his parents and has a sister age 10.  Wood Kelly’s father is a driver and his mother is a street vendor.  He likes playing with toys and his favorite color is...

Islord S.

  Islord is in the 4th grade and his favorite subject is French. Islord’s parents are farmers and he has a brother age eight and a sister age four. Islord loves to play soccer and his favorite color is blue.

Djeenayka M

Djeenayka is in 3rd grade of kindergarten.  She lives with her parents and has 1 brother age two. Her parents are farmers and her mother is also a cook. Djeenayka loves playing with dolls and reading . Her favorite color is pink.

Flancy B.

Flancy is in the 3rd grade in school and enjoys playing soccer. His favorite subject in school is french. His father is a mechanic and his Mother sells items in the market place. He has 5 brothers. His favorite color is blue.  When he grows up he wants to be a...