Mylernie S.

Mylernie lives in the village of Bwa Polyte with her father and mother and will start first grade of Kindergarten in September at the school in Mathias. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a street vendor for rice and beans. Mylernie has two brothers ages 20 and...

Jhonky Paul

Johnky lives in the village of Bwa Polyte with his mother and father who are farmers. He has one brother age 7 and two sisters ages 5 and 12. He also has three older sisters who are not living at home. Johnky will start the first grade of Kindergarten in the school in...

Louby S.

Louby lives in the village of Trou Dimanche with his mother and father who are farmers. He has two sisters ages 7 and 8. Louby will start the first grade of Kindergarten in the school in Mathias beginning in September. He loves playing soccer and his favorite color is...

Shinel S.

Shinel lives in the village of Trou Dimanche with his mother and a brother age 8. His father has passed away. Shinel will start the first grade of Kindergarten in the school in Mathias beginning in September. His favorite color is black and he loves to play...

Espalencia P.

Espalencia lives in the village of Bwa Polyte with her mother and father who are farmers. She has two brothers ages 3 and 7, and a sister age 12. She also has three older sisters who no longer live at home. Espalencia will start the first grade of Kindergarten at the...

Rico D

Rico has 3 brothers and 5 sisters, his Father is a farmer.  His favorite subject in school is English and he wants to be a journalist when he grows up.  He likes to play soccer with his friends and he likes the color blue