Maculene F

Maculene lives in the village of Trou Dimanche and will start the first grade of Kindergarten in September at the school in Mathias. She lives with her parents who are farmers, and has two sisters ages 4 and 1 1/2 , and a brother age 6 months. Maculene loves playing...

Samson E.

Samson lives in the village of Dybwa and is in the third grade of Kindergarten at the school in Mathias. He lives with his parents who are farmers, and has two brothers and 3 sisters.  Samson love to read and his favorite subject in school is writing and his favorite...

Fridemene M.

Fridemene lives in the village of Polite and will start the second grade of Kindergarten in September at the school in Mathias.  She lives with her parents who are farmers, and has one sister age 11 months.  Fridemene likes helping prepare food for her family and...

Melanda J.

Melanda lives in the village of Mathias and will start the first grade of Kindergarten in September at the school in Mathias. She lives with her mother and father who are farmers, and has a brother age 2, and a sister age 6. Melanda loves singing and playing with...

Sainthia J.

Sainthia lives in the village of Mathias and will start the first grade of Kindergarten in September at the school in Mathias. She lives with her mother and father who are farmers, and has three brothers ages 6, 2, and 5 months. Sainthia loves playing with dolls and...

Melanie Verite

Djoudenia lives in the village of Mathias and will start the first grade of Kindergarten in September at the school in Mathias. She lives with her mother and father who are farmers, and has a brother age 5 and a sister age 7 months. Djoudenia loves playing with toys...