Makaty P

Makaty lives with his mother and father and has 2 brothers and 3 sisters.  His father trades livestock and his mother sells charcoal.  Makaty likes school and his favorite subjects are English, Math and French.  He is a Christian and is thankful for school. He likes...

Djooly J.

Djooly is in the 3rd grade of Kindergarten and her favorite subject is Writing. Her father is a construction worker and her mother is a street vendor for water at the Mal Passe market (a market on Mondays and Thursdays at the Haitian/Dominican border). She has 4...

Daphney B.

Daphney has two sister and two brothers.  Her Father is a farmer and her Mother is s street vendor.  Daphney’s favorite subject in school is Math, her favorite color is pink and she likes to play with dolls.  When she grows up she wants to be a doctor.

Wonder J.

Wonder lives in the village of Dybwa and will start the first grade of Kindergarten in September at the school in Mathias. He lives with his mother and father who are farmers, and has two brothers and three sisters. Wonder loves playing with toy cars and his favorite...

Nayder Emitil

Nayder lives in the village of Dybwa and will start the first grade of Kindergarten in September at the school in Mathias. He lives with his parents who are farmers, and has two brothers ages 2 , and 6 months. Nayder loves playing with toy cars and his favorite color...

Jubertha F.

Jubertha lives in the village of Trou Dimanche and will start the first grade of Kindergarten in September at the school in Mathias. She lives with her parents who are farmers, and has two sisters ages 4 and 1, and a brother age 6 months. Jubertha loves to help cook...