Nana J

  Nana is in the 3rd grade of Kindergarten and her favorite subject is Creole. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a street vendor. She has 1 brother and 3 sisters. Nana loves playing chase and her favorite color is red. Her date of birth is...

Chesly J

  Chesly is in 2nd grade of Primary school and her favorite class is Math. Her father has passed away and her mother has no work outside the home. She has two brothers. Chesly loves playing chase and her favorite color is red.

Douvensley A

Douvensley is in the 2nd grade of Kindergarten and his favorite subject is writing. His parents are farmers and he has 1 brother. Douvensley loves playing chase and running and his favorite color is white. Jo Willett on October 6, 2020 at 7:26 pm (Edit) Attachment...

Rachelle J.

  Rachelle is in the 3rd grade of Kindergarten and her favorite subject is reading. Her parents are farmers and she has 1 brother and 1 sister. Rachelle loves playing with dolls and her favorite color is black.

Youbensley A

Youbensley is in the 2nd grade of Kindergarten in the school in Thoman and his favorite subject is writing. His father is a driver for hire and his mother does not have work outside the home. Youbensley has 3 brothers. His favorite activity is playing soccer and his...

Woodchelna S

  Woodchelna is in the 1st grade of Kindergarten in the school in Thoman and her favorite subject is writing. Her parents are farmers and she has 2 brothers and 1 sister. Woodchelna loves playing with dolls and her favorite color is red.