Neissa A.

Neissa is in the 2nd grade of Kindergarten in the school in Thoman and her favorite subject is writing. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a street vendor. Neissa has 2 brothers. She loves running and her favorite color is blue.

Sammuel F

Sammuel has 4 brothers and 3 sisters.  His Mother is a homemaker and his Father is a farmer.  His favorite subject in school is reading and his favorite color is yellow and he loves to play soccer.

Dalianne S

  Dalianne is in the 3rd grade of Primary school and her favorite subject is math. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a street vendor. She has 2 brothers and 6 sisters. Dalianne loves to read for fun and her favorite color is green.

Jazzme P

Jazzme has 4 brothers and 2 sisters.  His Mother and Father are farmers.  His favorite color is blue and his favorite subject in school is Math.  When he grows up he wants to become a school teacher.

Ekaina D

Ekaina is in the 2nd grade of Primary school and her favorite subject is Creole. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a street vendor. She has 2 brothers and 3 sisters. Ekaina loves to run and play Chase and her favorite color is green.

Wilfrid J

  Wildred is in the first grade of Primary school and his favorite subject is Creole. His parents are farmers and he has two sisters. Wilfrid loves to run and play Chase and his favorite color is pink.