Edson L

Edson has 1 sister, his Father is a taxi driver and his Mother is a vendor at the local market.  His favorite activity is learning and his favorite subject is Creole.  He likes the color yellow and wants to be a lawyer when he grows up.

Yousemina J

Yousemina has 3 brothers and 1 sister.  Her Father passed away and her Mother is a vendor at the market.  Her favorite subject in school is Math and her favorite color is red.  When she grows up she wants to be a doctor.

John D

John (likes to be called by Nobency his middle name)  is in 7th grade in the school in Thoman and his favorite subject is English. Nobency wants to work with computers or be a dentist when he grows up. His father is not in the house at present and his mother is a cook...

Kendia G.

Kendia will start first grade of kindergarten in September in the school in Mathias. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a street vendor for rice, oil and sugar. She has two brothers ages 5 and 1, and three sisters ages 15, 13, and 10. Kendia’s favorite...