Birthday: MARCH 4, 2018 Sponsorship #: 2023-00-040HC

BETHSAIDA is a timid little five year old in K2 at BGM Preschool. She lives in the village of Bonet near Galette Chambon with her caregiver and brother. Her parents died last year after a vicious gang attacked their village, killing many people including her parents. A kind neighbor managed to help Bethsaida and her brother escape during the attack and she has cared for them ever since. They went to live with friends in Galette Chambon and asked if they could go to the BGM school there. Bethsaida loves it at BGM Preschool. Her teachers are kind and she feels safe. Bethsaida is very proud that she has learned to write her name and read some words. She cannot wait to learn more things and she hopes that she can go to school at BGM for a very long time. The only way she can do that, however, is if she has a sponsor. When she grows up, she wants to become a nurse.