She is in first grade and her favorite class is singing. Her favor color is blue. She has 6 sisters and 1 brother. Her father is working in Brazil and her mother is a seamstress.
She is in first grade and her favorite class is singing. Her favor color is blue. She has 6 sisters and 1 brother. Her father is working in Brazil and her mother is a seamstress.
Grade: 5
Age: 11
Height: 58″
Chest: 27″
Waist: 29″
Hips: 29″
Foot length: 9.5″
Clothes size: Girls L (10/12)
Shoe size: BIG KIDS 6
Attachment DALANCIA-JOSEPH.pdf
Attachment DALANCIA-JOSEPH-2.pdf
Attachment DALANCIA-JOSEPH-1.pdf