Birthday: November 11, 2001 Sponsorship #: 2016-00-216M

Lexine is a beautiful nineteen year old young lady with a sweet personality. Both of her parents died when she was a little girl, so she lives with other family members who struggle to take care of their own children much less her. She does not like having to depend on others to afford to care for her. She wants desperately to go to school so that she can one day go to law school and support herself on her own. She took English classes at Hope Center when we had them so that she could prepare for law school one day, so she does know a little English. She is very determined, and hopeful about her future. Her favorite subject in school is Experimental Science and when she is not in school, she enjoys walking through the village with her friends. Two years ago, Lexine was sponsored but she lost her sponsorship and she couldn’t afford to pay for school, so she dropped out. This year, she managed to pay for her registration and first installment of tuition and she is now praying that she finds a sponsor to help her stay in school.