
Birthday: June 12, 2012
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Marie Coeur Lange is 4 years old and her birthday is June 12th. She has two sisters and she lives with her mom in the home of her aunt, St. Vierge (the cook at Hope Center), in the new village on the hill next to Hope Center in Galette Chambon. Marie Coeur loves living in the village. Her mama and sisters lived in the tent city after they lost their home in the earthquake. Marie Coeur was born in the tent city in a tin shack with a dirt floor. She didn’t know that life could be different than the tent city, but after she moved with her mom to Aunt Vierge’s house, she was very happy. Her mom is now a vendor outside the clinic at Hope Center and she hopes to get back in school herself next year! Marie Coeur loves going to church more than anything and she loves to sing. She also loves to play with her sisters. When she grows up she wants to be a teacher.