Birthday: June 15, 2010 Sponsorship #: 2017-00-095SHC 

Henridson is the son of our tailor, Henry. Henry has been making our school uniforms for several years and he has been growing a good business in the village. He and his family moved to a house on the hill by Hope Center in 2017. However, after all of the political violence began, he sent all of his children to live with their uncle in Croix des Bouquet because he feared for their lives. Business owners were being targeted in the area, and he just felt like they would be safer living in another city. Now the children have moved back home with their father, and they are so happy to be going back to the school they love. Henry is a single father and has six school aged children, and sending all of them to school is a challenge financially. Henridson is excited about moving back to live with his father and to the village where he has so many other children to play with. He loves to play soccer and he wants to be a pastor when he grows up. His favorite subject in school is French.