Wanderson S.F.

Wanderson is a 17 year old from Galette Chambon who lives with his mother, father, five sisters and six brothers. His father is a farmer and his mother sells rice and beans that she cooks for people in the village. Wanderson loves to go to school and he loves to play...

Bednel T.

Bednel is a kind-hearted fourteen year old from Port au Prince who has moved in with his older sister in Hope Center Village. He is the youngest of eight siblings. He moved in with his older sister because his father has become very ill and, although his mother is a...

Rosemerline P.

Rosemerline Paul is a timid seven year old and the sister of Kenson Paul. She lives with her mother, two sisters and two brothers in the village of Nan Dale near Galette Chambon. Kenson Paul is her big brother, and she is very close to her big brother. (Her baby...

Kenson P.

Kenson Paul is a very smart and mature 13 year old boy who has taken on the responsibility of being the man of his family while trying to go to school. He lives with his mother, three sisters, and one baby brother in the village of Nan Dale near Galette Chambon. (His...

Djenie T.

  Djenie is a bright and lively twelve year old. She lives in the village of Gwo Balanse near Galette Chambon. She has three sisters and two brothers. Her father works as a professor in the school teaching third graders and her mother stays at home with the...

Gemetro V.

Gemetro is a bright young man from the town of Bonet and his best friend is Gefferson. They walk a long way to school every day together. Gemetro lives with his parents, one sister, and four brothers. His parents are share croppers on a large farm in a village near...