John Kerry Woosberson A.

John Kerry is an eight year old second grader from the village of Kadas near Galette Chambon. He lives with his mother, three sisters, and one brother. To make money, his mother washes clothes for people. It is really hard work for very little money, but she does what...

Tracy B.

TRACY is a beautiful eleven year old from Hope Center village who lives with her mother and sister and aunt. They were living in Port au Prince but the gang violence entered their neighborhood and they had to flee for their lives. Her mother has a sister that lives in...

Guensley P.

GUENSLEY is a six year old from Hope Center village who lives with his two sisters and parents who have a small market next to their house where they sell household goods. They sell enough to feed their family, but not enough to pay tuition for all three of their...

Guylove J.

GUYLOVE is a young man who recently moved to Hope Center village after his father was killed in the crossfire of gang violence in Port au Prince. He was going to a public school there in the city at the time, but after his father was so tragically killed, he and his...

Dabens M.

DABENS is a bright fourteen year old who lives with family in the village of Galette Chambon. His parents left him and moved to Brazil five years ago and he has not seen them since. They own a restaurant somewhere in Brazil and that is all he knows. They do not send...

Binjamin Fabio M.

BINJAMIN is a bright nineteen year old who recently moved to Hope Center Village to escape the gang violence in the city. He and his parents moved in with his aunt and uncle. His mother doesn’t have a job and his father is a brick mason who sometimes can find...