Benitha Henry

  Birthday: January 21, 2001 Sponsorship #: 2016-00-221M  

Benitha is a beautiful 15 year old who wants to be a lawyer when she grows up. She lives in the nearby village of Boucandrice. She has two brothers and two sisters and her parents both work as farmers in the village but they do not own their own farm. They share crop with many other families in the village to work a corn and millet farm and they make just enough money to feed their family, but certainly not enough to send their children to school. Benitha has big hopes and dreams for her life, and she is determined to finish school and reach them. If she finds a sponsor, she is most excited about learning French because she will need to be able to speak and write in French to become a lawyer. She loves to study, and she wants desperately to go to school. She asks those reading her profile to please, please consider helping her realize her dreams!!