Birthday:June 4,2011 Sponsorship#:2023-00-118S

Girloods is a beautiful twelve year old girl from an area called Kagwo near Galette Chambon. She lives with her parents and two sisters. Her parents are share croppers on a local farm. They do not make much money, and her father has been suffering from dangerously high blood pressure which has made it hard for him to work. The family struggles to survive. For the last two years, Girloods has had to sit out of school because her parents couldn’t afford to pay for the tuition. Now that BGM is asking for more children to register for the program, she believes it is an answer to her prayers because she has prayed and prayed for a sponsor so she can get back in school. Girloods enjoys playing with friends, studying lessons, going to church, eating, and sleeping. Her favorite subject is Creole. When she grows up, she wants to study to become a nurse.