Birthday: June 14, 2013 Sponsorship #: 2020-00-077HC

Woodarline is a third grader at BGM Primary. She lives with her parents, sister, and brother in the village of Galette Chambon. Her father is a local pastor and works bi-vocationally as a moto tap tap driver. He is also president of a local organization that ministers to the handicapped population of the village. He has a huge heart and he does all he can with his limited resources to help people in the village who are in need. He doesn’t make much money driving a moto because gas is so expensive. He doesn’t make any money at all as a pastor. So trying to make ends meet while supporting his family and trying to help as many people as possible is not an easy task. When BGM recently opened up a new school in the village, Pastor Jean Baptiste and his wife decided to move their children over to the new school hoping to get sponsors for their children so that they can focus on helping others in the community more. Woodarline’s favorite subject in school is mathematics and writing and she wants to one day be a cook in her own restaurant. In her free time, she likes to study her lessons, go to church with her family, wash dishes, play with her friends, and help her mother around the house.

**Woodarline had been sponsored since 2020, but when the gang attacked the village, her father decided to move his family to another area for their safety. He had to pull his children out of the BGM Schools so they lost their sponsorships. Now that they have moved back to the village, they need new sponsors in order to return to school.