Birthday: January 11, 2008 Sponsorship #: 2019-00-001S

Josnel  is a loving eleven year old from the village of Plasman near Galette Chambon who loves music. When he grows up, he wants to play the guitar professionally. He lives with his mother, father, two sisters, and three brothers. His mother grows and sells leeks in the local market and his father is a farmer. Josnel loves to help his father in the garden and he loves taking care of his goat. Each morning he wakes up really early so he can take his goat to a place to eat and get water. Then after school, moves his goat again. He likes that he is responsible for the family goat because he likes helping his family. He hopes to own more goats one day because this helps the family when there is an urgent need for funds. Josnel is excited about the opportunity to be in the sponsorship program. The principal has let him go to school this year even though he could not afford a uniform. He hopes to get a sponsor so that he can have a uniform like everyone else and so that he doesn’t have to worry about wether or not his parents can afford to send him to school. His favorite subject is mathematics.