Birthday: May 3, 2010.   Sponsorship #: 2018-00-012S


John Wando is a hard worker who lives in the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents, sister, and two brothers. He loves to go to the garden and help his father work. He also likes to take the family cow to get water and to the field to eat. He just loves to help his father work. John Waldo also loves to study his lessons. He is thankful to be able to go to school, but it is really hard for his parents to afford it. When his younger siblings are ready for school, he is afraid he will have to quit school so they can start. That’s what lots of kids do in his village, and it makes him sad. John Wando’s favorite subject in school is mathematics and when he grows up, he wants to become a doctor. When asked what he loves about his village, he said he loves to see families getting a new house and he loves that he has a good church to go to.