Youseline Pierre

Youseline Pierre

Youseline has 3 siblings, she just recently lost her sponsorship.  She needs someone to sponsor her or she will not be able to attend school this year.  

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Linda St. Ristel

Linda St. Ristel

Linda's parents are both farmers. Linda has 4 sisters and 4 brothers.  Linda is wearing a green shirt and dark shorts with green sandals in the picture.  

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Dalandia Jacquer

Dalandia Jacquer

  Dalandia has 3 brothers and 4 sisters. Father is farmer and mother passed away. Dalandia's favorite color is red and her favorite subject in school it reading.

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Dalanka Jacquet

Dalanka Jacquet

Dalanka is in the 3rd grade, her favorite subject in school is drawing and her favorite color is red.   Dalanka has 3 brothers and 4 sisters.  Her Father is farmer and her mother passed away.

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Jeff Saul

Jeff Saul

Birthday: 08/15/2010 Sponsorship: #2015-01-058 Jeff has 2 brothers ages 3 and 5 months.  Father is a driver and mother is a street vendor for assorted foods.  

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Mania Tisma

Mania Tisma

Mania has 4 brothers and  2 sisters, ages 21 to 2.  Mania’s father is a farmer and charcoal seller, her mother is a street vendor for corn and salt.  Mania is not currently in school.  

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Johnlove J

Johnlove J

Johnlove has 8 brothers and 1 sister. His Father works in construction, Mother is a street vendor for second hand clothes.  Johnlove is in the 2nd grade, likes English, playing soccer and his favorite color is blue.

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Daniella Estime

Daniella Estime

Daniella lives with her Father and Mother, and has 3 Brothers. Her Father is a motorcycle tap tap (taxi) driver and her Mother is a street vendor for food.  

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