Birthday: January 11, 2009 Sponsorship #: 2021-00-046HCM

Jenifer is a sweet and petite twelve year old from the village of Michel near Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, three brothers, and one sister. She used to go to a small, village school closer to where she lives, but the school closed down due to lack of funds, so she had to find somewhere else to go. Her mother doesn’t have a consistent source of income, so she can’t afford most schools. Michel is about a 3 hour walk from Hope Center School, but she heard that it is a very good school and you can get a sponsorship to help you pay for it. So her mother decided to move her to our school and is now praying for a sponsorship. Jenifer enjoys playing with friends and studying lessons. Her favorite subject is Experimental Science, and when she grows up, she would like to become a nurse.